You will know if you are playing the new version because it will say Alpha v2.1.
First of all, I want to explain the pokemart. You go to the pokemart you buy the stone that you need, then you go select a level to play and on the party select screen you press on the pokemon that you want to use the stone with. You will see a button there "Use Item". Click on that, if the pokemon can use that stone you will see it there.
Second, on Level 8 - Mt Moon 1, there is a spot on the map that you put your pokemon in that looks brown instead of the usual orange. That spot is meant only for Rock Type pokemon! It's not a bug, only rock type pokemon can go there.
Third, codes for evolution stones for people who donated in the past will have to wait until next week, I didn't get a chance to add that into the game.
I will have a proper inventory screen later on, and the pokemart will get prettier as time goes on.
Fourth, I have currently sent the swf file to Newgrounds- Updated, Gamerfish-Updated, Freeworldgroup, Mofunzone, playtowerdefensegames - updated, funny games, Let me know if there is a site that you want me to send the update to!
Lastly, the level is possible to finish, trust me I have done it without cheating. Yes the level is difficult, enjoy.
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