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MoRe v1.4

                                                   HOW TO FLASH MoRe v1.4

Disclaimer : Do It At Your Own Risk!

Note : Those who have Gingerbread OS and any Custom Recovery installed on their device can skip Step 1 and Step 2. Also, those who have any custom rom installed can skip both Step 1 and 2.

3. Download CyanMobile 7.2.0 RC0 Full Release "update-godell-morev14.zip "

4. Copy the downloaded file to your sd-card.

5. Reboot your device to Custom Recovery (Press Home + Power Button).

7. [Optional but, Recommended] Do a Nandroid Backup of your current rom.

8. Go on Choose Install Zip From Sd Card>>Choose Zip From SD Card option and then select the file (named:"update-godell-morev14.zip)
you downloaded from above.  

THANKS TO Ade Choirudin(GODELL) for this awesome ROM

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