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Weekly Short and Sweet Update

Want to get the Shiny legendary dogs? Shiny Mew? or any other shiny pokemon in the game? Adopt them today using SnD coins! Click here for more info.

Visit the PTD: Pokemon Center - a place to trade pokemon, get your Daily Code, adopt Pokemon, view your items and change your avatar!

I'm feeling a bit sick so I will make this short and sweet.

Zorua won the poll!

I'm still working on PTD 2!

Still don't have a date for it to come out yet (good things take time to create)

Next week I will have a non-gaming announcement to make.

Thanks for all the support, let me know what you think!


I'll just add a small update on HTD here. There's not much to report other than we're continuing to make progress on the graphics front. Sam needed to postpone working on the new graphics system in order to take care of personal matters. I'll be making a more in-depth post for HTD at some point this coming week. Have a good weekend everyone!


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