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Güncel Haberler, Yazılım, Teknoloji ve İnternet Paylaşım

JANA ROM v5.5 ●๋• For Samsung galaxy Mini Gts-5570

Kernel features*Kernel version*vERY STABLE UPT*overclock up to 806 mhz.*added cleancache.*21 governor & 7 i/o schedulers.*undervolt.Rom features*Ics style task manager moded*Better batery backup*Pure settings just ics styled*Modified lidroid apk to jana*Profile manager,backup contact napp ............*CM7 battery calibration added*Default theme by Creative Team creditsto aldo sebastian*Added wallpapers*Much more i forgot*Tweaks added*Added adrenaline shoot (bestperformance for gaming) open Terminaland type:suboost

HOW TO FLASH----------------------------------------------

Disclaimer : Do It At Your Own Risk!
Note : Those who have Gingerbread OS and any Custom Recovery installed on their device can skip Step 1 and Step 2. Also, those who have any custom rom installed can skip both Step 1 and 2.

3. Download Rom From Below Link

4. Copy the downloaded file to your sd-card.

5. Reboot your device to Custom Recovery (Press Home + Power Button)

6.NOW Go on Choose Install Zip From Sd Card>Choose Zip From SD Card option and then select the file which you download)
7.Wait till the rom is flashed/installed on your device. Once done, Wipe Data and Wipe cache from recovery menu.

8. Reboot your device from your recovery main menu.


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