We are proud to announce the GamerzROM MTK Nexus Edition for 5 MTK Devices!
Reasonable Features to Use GamerzROM MTK Nexus Edition
-Total Nexus look (Dialer, Settings, Launcher, SMS, Contacts, Clock and everything)
-Full dual sim and video calling support.
-GravityBox and Xposed (Tons of customizations like CRT-OFF animation, expendable volume panel, hold back button to kill, volume keys skips tracks, editable quicksettings statusbar, close all button on task manager)
-Logo.bin is totally replaced with Google logo. You can forget about your phones brand. It's nexus now.
-Android 4.3 stuff
-PITtech sound mod
-A full featured bug-free Camera
-Turkish translations (by cyber71khan)
-Cyanogenmod calculator, ES File Explorer and such reasonable replacements.
-Stock Android keyboard with swipe feature for every language
-Busybox and supersu
-Very slim and fast
-More developer options
-Build.prop tweaks
-Tons of changes that you will notice while enjoying it.
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