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Güncel Haberler, Yazılım, Teknoloji ve İnternet Paylaşım
I have got a lot of stuff to include in my next release and I hope you will love it. As it looks like Nokia is not going to release official Belle as soon as we expected due to a leak out on Navifirm by mistake as that was withdrawn as soon as possible by Nokia so I am planning to release my next update on the same leak released by mistake on Navifirm. I read about that and as it is slightly better then the one leaked by Taylor, I guess that would be better.

There will be a number of increase in mods that weren't added by me earlier and I am planning to add restart option in Power button too. I have a lot of stuff to add so I am just organizing it right now and soon will start working on it and once I will start working on it, I will let you know guys about it's releasing date or expected time.

Thanks and Enjoy..

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