Delight Belle by nicesoni_ash - v3.8 released on 25.12.2011
** If you want to use my files as a base to your custom firmware, kindly ask for my permission first, it's a lot of hard work so do respect that..**
** Link your post to my blog for change logs if you want to post it somewhere **
FAQ, Flashing Tutorial and other needed files are packed with the same flash files archive, So read it first before asking any questions.. I also want to give special thanks to Il.Socio for his special tool Nokia cooker which is the main tool for making Delight cfws. Find it here and if possible donate too.
After Flashing complete, your phone will restart twice showing you different notifications. Let it do it's work. After second restart, you are all set to go..
**Read Change Logs from Change Log section.**
About translated rofs2
- Maps v3.08 is still in English.
- Pre-installed folders are still in English, you must rename them yourselves in your own language.
- Read my Flashing Tutorial included in the archive you just downloaded and then flash.
Download Delight Bell v3.8
English only but needed for all other languages too.
Translated Rofs2 - by freaxs_r_us
French - Français
Spanish+catalan - Espanól+en català
Italian - in italiano
Turkish - Türkçe olarak
Farsi - به زبان فارسی
(More coming soon)
French - Français
Spanish+catalan - Espanól+en català
Italian - in italiano
Turkish - Türkçe olarak
Farsi - به زبان فارسی
(More coming soon)
Taylor - For Belle leaks.
Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia cooker and a lot more.
CodeRUS - A lots of mods..
Sklchan - Few cenrep mods
the_one.89 - Writing language files
Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
andrenlsbr + BlackDare + djmy19881225 - Theme effects.
witcher3 - Menu organized
Boroda - Widget mods.
hotboy_ist - Big Analog clock widget
freaxs_r_us - Delight Team Member (Translator)
karasss - Widgets Mod.
Peoresnada / kalininvs) - Notified Widget.
dude2009 - For resolving F-Secure Antitheft related bug.
iExtraX7 - Several pretty good mods.
and everyone who helped me in one way or another..
Hope you enjoy this version too.. :D
Post your views, suggestions or any bug report... Thanks.
Kindly read FAQ file for your troubles and if you don't get the answer of your problems in there, than only put your question here.
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