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Emanon v6 [Custom Rom] For Galaxy Mini/Pop/Next

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2.Change Log:
  1. Added Glass Epic & Facinates lockscreen
  2.  long press back key to kill background app
  3.  long press volume key in screen off to skip/back music tracks
  4.  Battery Bar
  5.  clock,signal & Battery options
  6.  Statusbar colour & transparency
  7.  CRT on Animations
  8.  remove registration of FM radio on Airplane mod
  9.  Removed social HUb
  10.  Cache partition Back to EXT 4
  11.  Enable skin chooser in MMS app
  12.  statusbar toggle icons back to original theme
  13.  Intergrated UV kernal in ROm

Lock screen:
Lockscreen with Missed Calls and Unread Messages NotificationsSweep glass to Unlock Lockscreen StylePuzzle Lockscreen - Solve to Unlock
Status Bar Background Custom Color Chooser
stutus bar tweaks
Status Bar Battery Enabled
other tweaks

Thanks to parasmi and his continuous dedication towards the development of Samsung Galaxy Mini GT-S5570 handset.

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