What's new in v5.2.1
- Story Mode Level - After saving Meowth and defeating Sabrina you must now train against your past opponents. Can you get past them?
- New Pokemon to capture
- New Moves (12)
- New Achievements
- New Mystery Gift Delibird Avatar!
- New Pokemon up for trade on my account samO
- Added new moves into pokemon center move list
- Fixed abilities text being messed up when you pause the game
- It is no longer possible to have space or special characters in the avatar chat room
- It is no longer possible to have 2 people with the same name in the avatar chat room
- The chat will no longer scroll automatically if you have scrolled up to read something, if you are scrolled all the way down the chat will still scroll automatically
- Making multiplayer point to the PlayTowerDefense Website
- Creating a new database to hold user data, the current ones are getting filled
Where can I play?
- Play here on the blog by clicking on the "Play PTD!" tab.
- Download the EXE, SWF or APK by clicking on the "Game Downloads Link" tab.
- PlayTowerDefenseGame
- FreeWorldGroup
- Gamerfish
- OneMoreLevel
- NewGrounds
- MiniJuegos
This week we will be doing a new multiplayer map that will replace the old one. Because let's be honest the old one is LAME! So I hope you guys will enjoy it. Along with that will come the new layout for the Pokemon Center that I think a lot of you will enjoy, it's been a long time coming but thanks to Velocity, we have it ready to go and should be up this week. Along with the new layout we will have new improvements, using magical technologies like AJAX (Google it, if you are curious), you will be able to see what the user requested for his trade without having to leave the search results page. On top of that I will adding other features that have been asked for a lot during our time here.
ON TOP OF THAT! We will have new daily gift prizes, new game corner prizes, new abilities, new achievements and new level cap!
New Multiplayer map (100%)
- Level Layout (100%)
- Pokemon Team Defense (100%)
- Pokemon Team Offense (100%)
- Implementing new changes in server code (100%)
New Pokemon Center Layout (50%)
- Layout and Graphics (100%)
- Implement PHP (0%)
- Layout and Graphics (100%)
- Implement PHP (50%)
- 1 SnD Coin implemented (100%)
- Random Non-Evolved Shadow Pokemon (100%)
- Random Non-Evolved Shadow Pokemon (100%)
- Implement in game (100%)
- Implement in server (100%)
- Ability Guts - Boosts Attack if there is a status problem.
- Implement Ability in game (100%)
- Add to Rattata, Raticate, Machop, Machoke, Machamp (100%)
- Implement in Game (100%)
- Implement in Pokemon Center (100%)
- Implement in Save Code (100%)
- Shadow Rush (100%) - Only usable by Shadow pokemon. 55 Attack Power, 18 Cooldown, Shadow Type. (Normal effectiveness against all types.)
- Adding Move Names to the Pokemon Center Move List (100%)
- Implement in Pokemon Center (100%)
- Display Shadow with a dark purple background (100%)
- Allowing trainers to request and search for Shadow Pokemon (100%)
- Implement in Game (100%)
- Programming (100%)
- Graphics (100%)
Added the Ability Keen Eye to Hitmonchan (100%)
Fix issue with Shadow pokemon showing up as shiny when learning a new move or evolving (100%) - Thanks everybody that let me know :)
Lowering the amount of energy the attacker gets in the multiplayer map (100%)
That's what we have for now, let me know what you think and keep coming back to see our progress and PTD First Look by Graphic Force. Thanks!
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