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808 Delight v1.4

808 Delight v1.4
If you would sign this petition, then a even better phone might be possible
it takes one minute to do and helps soooo much
PETITION to NOKIA & Microsoft - to release Symbian source codes and latest release builds for open source

Delight team:
- huellif - main cooker
- freaxs_r_us - translator and second cooker

Special thanks goes to nicesoni_ash, for his help, knowledge and support. 

Delight contributors:
- Allstar12345 - theme effects maker
- Lao Stia - theme maker
Cahjoss - conversation skin maker
- Mahindar - widget mifs maker / fixer
- Bhavin - keyboard maker

This CFW has been created with NokiaCooker. Consider donating for Free and High Quality softwares. http://www.symbian-toys.com/NokiaCooker
If you want to use our files as a base to your custom firmware, kindly ask for my permission first, 
it's a lot of hard work so do respect that.


please don't forget to share us, like us, twitter us on the links below this line
Read FAQ Provided with flashing files and then ask other questions.

Link your post to our blogfor files and changelogs if you want to post it somewhere else
FAQ, Flashing Tutorial, Backup and Restore Documentation, Delight Resolver
Documentation are in Addtionial Files folder on Mediafire.

 fixed Widget skins by Mahindar
-  DLNA big & small
-  WIFI big & small
- Fmtx big & small
- VPN toggle widget
- mirror widget
- operator widget

the special DELIGHT THEME: made by Lao Stia 
you CAN use, but you do NOT HAVE to use it 

  the special Delight conversation theme made by Cahjoss
if you don't  want to use it, then just use the Resolver/Selector/conversation skin selector to change it back
This is a completly new CFW, based on Belle FP2 113.010.1508, product code

cooked by huellif and freaxs_r_us
Special's in this CFW:
After Flashing complete, 
your phone will restart once showing you different
notifications. Let it do its work. 

After restart, you are all set to go. 

What does this mean?
Simple answer, the UDA is empty, all files form UDA are in ROFS and get copied to C:\ after first boot or a hardreset.

=> Shortly said this CFW is completly hardreset persistant. With filemanager +  Delight Backup&Restore you can "reflash" you phone via a 3 Finger Reset on the go.

- in Menu, Tools, Xtras you will find Delight App which contains our Backup&Restore solution, FAQ and other features, e.g. a MiniCMD launcher. It has a inbuild documentation.

C:drive after flash is minimum 600mb
RAM: 288mb - 290mb

How to flash:

when coming from Delight v1.0/v1.1/v1.2/v1.3:

flash via "Update Software" and without of UDA.
After first boot Updater app will start.
Select all versions after your last CFW version.
e.g if you were on v1.2 choose v1.3 only
if you were on v1.1 choose v1.2 and v1.3
You can enjoy all changes without of a Refurbish and losing your drive C:\

You didn't use Delight v1.0/v1.1/v1.2/v1.3 before? 

Than you have to Refurbish the whole CFW, we modifed the partion sizes so don't try a update flash.

Changelog Delight 808 v1.4:

- removed Nokia Weather and Weather widget
- added remove Recording tone patch
- added full filesystem read access to X-Plore and full write access of :\private\
- Picture viewer works in :\private\ folders
- torch mod, now you can enable torch via lock key in power saver mode
- EvenFaster patch for ROMPatcher, which allows you to enabled/disable torch via lock key much faster

- exclusive keyboard skin by bhavin192 (you can revert to original one via Delight App)
- Photo Editor from N8 (you still can access FP2 editor from gallery)
- Video Editor from N8 (you still can access FP2 editor from gallery)
- Unit Converter from s60v5
- GPS Info app from s60v5
- Delight SMS Themer

- Email widget font Delight style white
- Note widget font Delight style white
- cleaned sisregistry
- Sysap 1.4 by iChris701, now it will show SSL cert popups like on original firmwares

- Menumatrix to show Unit Converter in Organiser & GPS Info in Navigation
- Updated Delight App to 1.3.0

Widget skins: new by Mahindar
- DLNA big & small
big & small
- VPN toggle
- Operator
- Stopwatch
big & small
- Mirror

- Delight theme updated
- added "Evolve Qt 3.0 For FP2" theme by SLAYER33

- Smooth As Hell V4 by Allstar12345

Delight App v1.3.0
- manual scrolling settings to Selector
- manual light settings to Selector
- FM Transmitter RDS tag chooser to Selector
- FP2 keyboard skin Selector
- Credtis page

- performance improvments
- some fixes
- rearenged code
- browser fixer is working on the fly

BASE FILES - Delight 808 v1.4 direct download  
(english only version - for translations go down)
- if you want to support us download it via adf.ly
- FAQ download here (read latest version inside of Delight App)
 - how to flash
Default volume ROFS3

Please don't reupload/mirror this CFW, this isn't a slow hoster or an adversitment page like adf.ly


Translations & Info

  • Instructions:
Notice: only english version has all files needed
1. Just get the download from above
2. get the translated rofs2 = Ui translation from me if desired
3. exchange the rofs2 you got from me with the one in the full cfw set

4. get a writing file rofs3 if you need additional writing files 
   (the rofs2 translations has the chosen writing files)
5. exchange the rofs3 you got from me with the one in the full cfw set
  • Translation features:
- ALL needed standard files in your language (if provided by Nokia)
- ALL needed modded files that need translating to work
- IF TTS (text to speech) is available in your language, then it is included
- ALL translations have english as base files
- all writing and keyboard files
- all dialer files
- added ecom-3-0.spi which can handle ALL languages
- translated all new widgets and corrected old ones (I corrected over 500 strings)
- text clock widgets in your language; translations by wirer
   for now only 02, 03, 04, 17, 18, 25, 27, 42, 54, 68, 76, 79 ... maybe more later
  • Known "Issues":
- Third party Applications, for example: ROM patcher+, are not translated
- in more than 1 language packages there will be only english text clock
- metadatamod equalizer mod in english
- rarely used languages, such as galician, basque, canadian french, chinglish & taiwan english are not made

UI translations (english +1 language)

02 french
03 german
04 spanish
05 italian
06 swedish

07 danish
08 norwegian
09 finnish
10 american english
13 portugese

14 turkish
15 icelandic
16 russian
17 hungarian
18 dutch

25 czech
26 slowakian
27 polish
28 slovenian 
29 taiwan chinese   + writing files chinese & hk chinese  
worldwide EXCLUSIVE full taiwan chinese FP2 firmware
Sorry it will come later, no worries!

                                      • 30 chinese - with writing files taiwanese, chinese + FMTX working
                                                     • 31 chinese - has two additional writing files taiwanese, hongkong 

33 thai
37 arabic
39 tagalog
42 bulgarian
 45 croatian

49 estonian

50 farsi / persian - support for farsi discontinued
sick and tired of people stealing our work and claiming it as their own. 
absolutly no respect for the thousands of hours we put into this project. 

54 greek
57 hebrew
63 kazakh

67 latvian
68 lithuanian
76 brazilian portugese
78 romanian
79 serbian

83 latin american spanish
93 ukrainian
94 urdu
96 vietnamese

                                                     • 230 Hindi (= english and hindi writing files)

 326 Malaysian
327 Indonesian

Dual UI Sets:

•  37 arabic & 94 urdu
02 french & 16 russian 

•  04 spanish & 09 finnish

Writing files sets: (rofs3's)
The writing translation sets stayed all the same, so if you already downloaded it, no need to download it again
02 french
03 german
04 spanish
05 italian
06 swedish

07 danish
08 norwegian
09 finnish
10 american english
13 portugese

14 turkish
15 icelandic
16 russian
17 hungarian
18 dutch

25 czech
26 slowak
27 polish
28 slowenian

• chinese sets won't work from rofs3, so get the full rofs2
50 farsi / persian - support for farsi discontinued
sick and tired of people stealing our work and claiming it as their own. 
absolutly no respect for the thousands of hours we put into this project. 

51 canadian french - NEW french with qwerty (not azerty)

54 greek
57 hebrew

63 kazakh
67 latvian
68 lithuanian
76 brazilian portugese
78 romanian

79 serbian
83 latin american spanish
93 ukrainian
94 urdu
96 vietnamese

hindi won't work from rofs3, so get the rofs2

326 malayasian
327 indonesian

18 dutch, 03 german, 04 spanish
02 french, 04 spanish, 05 italian, 14 turkish

Delight testers:
- MoritzJt
- nedego
- leomate
- darkydawson

Thanks for your help :)

Mod providers:
- Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia Cooker and a lot more.
- CodeRUS - A lots of mods.
- iChris701 - For his mods and help
- iExtraX7 - Several mods.
- Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
- witcher3 - Menu organized
- xCape - Mod and few tips on widgets and a lot other stuff.
- Lovelas - few ported screensaver.
- moki - Fixed font problem.
- Cigiampa/xCape - Script files
- 7b - More Icons in Power Menu
- Stephan020793 - his tutorials were my first step into Symbian modding
- strategist - for his camera mod
- MoritzJT - his help with fonts
- Symbian Fan - for help with product improvment
- Robo3737 - for his widgets
- Skull-ATOS - for screensaver
- Joe3, M4C351, peoresnada - for notifications widget
- RedX - for his legendary cenrep informations
- omkarkul - for his mods
- BelleXDesigns - for X-Plore icon & NEW backup, resolver, restore, updater icons

- aniket - single communication contact widget
- haqanguven - the web browser fix
- Turek - Notification lights ON, Menu Lights OFF mod
- TheOne - Text under HS icons sis - installer/deinstaller
- aamirx64 - for original TransBelle theme
- MMMOOO for transparent icon sets
- MrKenkadze27 for his torch widget skin

and everyone who helped me in one way or another..

Let us know if we missed something and we would add your name in here. Thanks.

Sorry if we forget to add you/somebody, it's a big project with multiple guys and it can happen.

Hope you enjoy this version too.. :D
Post your views, suggestions or any bug report... Thanks.

read FAQ file for your troubles and if you don't get the answer of your
problems in there, than only put your question here.

if you want to know whats going on first hand...follow us
by adding your email to this on the right hand side of the blog:

and recieve emails as soon as something changes
help us helping you
the more followers we have the better for the blog

And don't forget to "like" us on facebook
"share" us on google
and anything else you use

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